living structure / ink textures 2018 / wild wall / wild x ze(h)n / Wegwächter / Trailer ink textures III / Wilder Löwenzahn/ Film ink textures II / Nymphéas / Seerosen - Buchunikat / SEHNSUCHT unlimited / Aktion - Performance /ink textures II / Bildtrommeln / skin calligraphy / wild shapes / Müßiggang I / ink textures I/ black ink foliant – book object / EINsichten – book object / Tusche / Schrifthorn / blue notes / nomad lines – ink calligraphy / zen x 1 lines/ sgraffiti / nomad lines - Zeichenbücher / Figurative Miniaturen - 9er Block / the sky is the limit / I-dotZEN / pointillism and dots – monochromes
Foto Cornelia Caufmann